Linda Wood Rondeau looks forward to speaking with your group to declare God Is Not Done With Us Yet!
- Linda has been a presenter at several writing groups as well as experience as a teacher, worship team, drama ministry, women’s ministry leader, and board member throughout her years within local church ministries.
- The author embarked on a career change in later life and is available to encourage seniors ready to retire or already retired in fulfilling dreams, enhancing relationships, and overcoming physical barriers to productivity.
- The author is also a cancer survivor and is able to talk to groups regarding coping with cancer.
- The author is a veteran social worker and is available to speak to your church or community group on topics of interest. Fees are negotiable in order to meet the needs of your particular group.
- Subject matter will be targeted to audience needs and interests and may include but are not limited to such areas as marriage and family, healing from loss, or living with cancer. Other topics may include writing workshops or writing skills.
"Life has challenges but God promises abundant life in him."
Linda Wood Rondeau
Former Participant Toastmasters International
Linda has won several awards in her time with Toastmasters completing the CC, CL, and Advanced Level Communicator

"I have come that you may have life life to the fullest"
JOHN 10:10
General Audience
Being your Best at 50 Plus
Longevity in Marriage
Surviving Cancer
When He Says I Do Then Doesn’t
Retired But Not Dead/Finding Your Passion
How To Write Your Memoir
Christian Groups
When He Says I Do Then Doesn’t
Love Ain’t Just About Sex
The Abundant Christian Life
Who Put the Vinegar in the Salt
Who Turned Off Your Light
Journaling Your Walk
Identifying Your Legacy
From Defeat to Victory
Being God’s Child (I Prayed for Patience God Gave Me Children)
Writers Groups
Creating Strong Characters
The First Hundred Pages
How to Write Outside the Box and Stay Inside the Room
Rules are only Tools
Plotting for the Writer Who Hates to Plot
Writing to Inspire
Fiction Basics
Where Would Batman Be Without Gotham City?
To discuss possible speaking appearance (rates negotiable) contact Linda!